četrtek, april 27, 2006


My uncle thinks it's geeky having a prenatal blog. My aunt thinks it's corny...Let's wait till she gives me some cousins and then we'll see, how she thinks...What do you think?

I am rapidly growing, so this uterus is getting tight for me. I think the owner noticed, as I am trying to create some space :)
Today we listened to some Mozart. I mean I had to listen to it. I don't think she liked it very much, but my parents got this idea, that I'd like it and that it's good for me. Hope she's not going to be one of those complicated and ambitious moms.

nedelja, april 23, 2006

Alive and kicking

I started this day with kicking and then kicking some more...
I am glad my mommy slept in today, I don't like it when she starts her days stressfully, hurrying somewhere...Don't know where daddy is...guess he woke up earlier to write his diploma degree...

Veste kaj, nevem, zakaj pišem ta blog v angleščini. Verjetno, ker je na .com in ne na .si. Ali pa zato, ker se izognem slovničnemu spolu...No, saj kmalu bodo itak zvedli, ali bom rojena ali rojen. Ati pa pravi, da bo kupil domeno in bom imel/a svoj (prenatalni?) mejl in svojo spletno stran!

sobota, april 22, 2006


I don't have a name, because I haven't been born yet. So this is my prenatal blog, that my parents thought I should start writing. Today the 3rd trimester of my "pre-life" started, this means that I am in my 28th week and that my parents are expecting to hold me in three months. I can't wait to see them. I have my eyes formed already, with eyelashes and everything, but there's not much to see in here, except changing of light and dark. Mommy wants to see me again with that machine I tried to hide from the last time. She wants to know, if I am a girl or a boy (I didn't want to show it yet - let them wonder! ;)) and have some nice photos of me before I am even born!
Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker