But don't expect to see me just yet. And I'm not telling when I'm coming ;)
Mommy is big and tired and nervous and has trouble sleeping, but she'll endure that for me, she's very patient...I am feeling just fine in here.
<- This was taken 10 days ago (in my new room!), so now you can imagine us even bigger!I haven't been writing for weeks, because I haven't been connected. First mommy an me were staying at great-grandmothers house
(there's no WiFi) and then the net wasn't up here at first also, while jobs were being done.
I am still continuing to grow, my hair and nails as well. I'm about 15% of fat - just in case, cause I don't know how to shiver yet. But as I understand, this days the temperatures outside are unbearably high anyway...
Mom and grandmothers have prepared everything for me - they washed and ironed loads of diapers and clothes that are waiting for me neatly folded and stored.